Friday, August 5, 2011

Someone's Gonna End Up As Sunday Dinner!

So the chickens have been with us for a few months now...

We've found two Gloriously Golden eggs...

And that was it.

Gabby and Scarlet were very lucky that I had no idea which one of them was not laying eggs...because they both lay brown eggs.

But now both Gabby and Scarlet have not laid any eggs since that first week....

So someone might end up as Sunday Dinner...

If Freddie has anything to say about it!

You better get laying girls! Or you're going to end up extra crispy!

Who am I kidding? I feel guilty just eating chicken from the supermarket.

For instance; One day, Willow asked "What is for supper?" and I said "We're having chicken for supper." Willow's eyes opened wide and she ran to the window. "Oh NO! We're having Owlie for supper!?" 
Owlie is what Willow named the white hen in our little flock.

 I had to do damage control, immediately! 
"No! No! We're not having Owlie for supper...this is fake chicken from the supermarket." I said. 
Willow was okay with that. 
After the chicken was cooked and laid out, Fred, Willow and Olivia were devouring their chicken. 
Grease was smeared all over their faces and in Olivia's hair, as per usual. 
I had just picked at my food...I lost my appetite.
 It must be the guilt. 
I had purchased, cooked and served one of my ladies' comrades...

How will I ever live this down?
How will I ever face the ladies again?
Stay tuned...


Unknown said...

It's a challenge. I tried being vegetarian (my 15 year old daughter has been veggie for 8 years), but I started craving chicken even more than I've ever craved chocolate. So now I try to buy chicken from local farms that have given them a happier, healthier life than factory-farm chickens. But the guilt remains. I remember a quote... "If God didn't want us to eat chickens, he wouldn't have made them taste so good". ... I'm with ya, feeling guilty 24-7...

reagandowney said...

you know i'm a veggie right? i've got lots of tips to help if you're looking to convert :) happy to see a new post!

SaraLynn said...

I am desperately looking to buy Plymouth Rock Chickens/chicks or eggs to hatch, who can i contact?