Saturday, April 30, 2011

An Introduction to Penney's Funny Farm Family Members

At some point you are going to need to get to know all of the members of Penney's Funny Farm so here's a quick introduction to the current crowd:

Olivia Jennifer Harnum aka "The Dinosaur" aka "OliviaSaurus Rex" aka "O-Rex."

Her shrills have been know to cause cracks in the walls of the house and it has been rumored that her voice can be heard as far away as Taylor's Fish Market, a kilometer away.

Willow Irene Harnum aka "Willus" aka "Willy" aka "Midgey."

The second loudest child on the planet and very sneaky. A single thumb is not good enough for this child. She is the only child in the earth's history that has found the need to stuff her entire hand in her mouth to fall asleep.

Rosie McToes-y

Fred's "arch nemisis." Also the fastest dog in the East. She goes from 0 to 60 in less than a second. Thus the reason why Wllow's supper often disappears from her table before her fork reaches her plate.

Fred Harnum aka "Sketchy Fred."

Fred's name stems from a series of dangerous incidents involving the "building" of certain jeeps and the various characters involved. Trying to explain would involvde giving a long commentary of history involving off-roading, snow storms and car parts.

Alicia Penney-Harnum aka "Penney."

A strange individual with wacky ideas and peculiar interests and hobbies. Does not follow a high maintenance, mainstream lifestyle.

We'll keep you posted on new members of the family (i.e. Chickens...goats...) and the various, interesting individuals we encounter along the way!

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