Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And the Funny Farm Begins...

Somehow I managed to convince Freddie to let me keep chickens...
I have no idea how it happened, it's such a blur because I had to act fast...
Freddie does not agree to my wacky ideas often.
Chickens were the second last thing I thought he would EVER agree to.
Maybe he's going senile? Feeling sorry for me?
Who cares!?!?! I'm getting Chickens!!!

One night he just casually mentioned he had 2x4's for the house.
I was confused.
"For the house?" I asked stupidly
(I thought the basement renovations would be put off until Autumn).
"Yes, the chicken house."
"Oh, of course." I said casually.
I didn't want to let my utter astonishment show in case he decided to take it back.
I'd better play it safe.
"Sooooo...are they going in the shed (BARN) under the table?"
"NO THEY ARE NOT going in with my tools."
"I've got some ideas." He said and that was it.

I shut my mouth. And let me tell you, THAT was HARD TO DO.
If I said anything more he might realize what he had said.
He could have been "sleep-talking" or hallucinating or God knows what.
I was getting a CHICKEN COOP!!!
He might change his mind. I would have to play my cards right...

So over the past couple of days...some initial plans have been made...

So we've chatted about it...
It's going to be a "moveable" coop.
Fred doesn't want it on the grass.
Oh silly Fred.

He might be a little grumpy at first...

But then...when is he not grumpy?


Alicia Penney-Harnum said...


reagandowney said...

the green barn isn't *too bad*. with something brown (ie the door and coop) it would look nice i think! :)

you are so creative. where do you get your ideas?

m. lythgoe said...

My dear friend, have you lost your chicken pickin mind? Don't you have enough on you plate? On the other side, maybe looking after the chicks will be a relaxing thing for you. I hope this works out, post some pictures.. Love You. M.

Alicia Penney-Harnum said...

Jen would be saying: "What. The. Hell.?!" hahaha.
I wish I could hear what she would say about it! You know she would have comments all over it!