Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prison (Coop) Break!!!

On a very sunny day, back in the dog days of the summer of 2011, somehow the ladies escaped the coop.

They had apparently been out of the coop for several hours before I even noticed they were loose!

They didn't go very far...just around the backyard,
 in the woods behind the coop and, unfortunately,  into my vegetable garden. 
(You can see the makeshift fence I put up...
utterly useless against these rapid vegetable attackers!)

The vegetable garden was destroyed. There were mangled and dead seedlings everywhere. Their carcasses thrown carelessly every which way. The only survivors were the onions and garlic. Maybe that's why chickens don't have bad breath...not that I would know.  
Anyway, my harvest was less than bountiful :)

Soon they had a favorite hangout in the shrubby area behind the house.
But then they started to get brave and venture to new worlds...

Such as in my flower pots.

First they ate my lilies...

Then they ate my mother-in-law's wildflower seedlings...

They pooped in Fred's impeccably clean driveway (rolling my eyes right now).

And then they committed the unpardonable sin.
They started digging in the neighbor's flower garden.
Fred said "Keep the chickens in the coop, or you might lose them."

Sure enough, the evil next door neighbors...
(this is all I see when I visualize them)

 called the town council...

And now the chickens have to dodge the old Animal Catcher Man.

He hasn't caught them yet...
Not with the Ever-Elusive-Rosie keeping him busy!!!
Good luck catching her, Animal Catcher Man!

We have a secret warning call. Buck-AAAAAck.